Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Noah's Ark Themed Party

I put together a Noah's Ark Themed party for a friend of mine, whose twins turned 2. In fact that is how I got to the theme: 2 x 2= Noahs Ark. (Don't laugh but the entire time I was working on the party I would sing "they all go in two by two, hoorah, hoorah" in my head.)

I had a lot of fun putting together this party and it was great fun working together with my friend on the party stuff.

Here take a look at how I put together the party:

At the entrance I had a sign showing where to go for the party (and of course some balloons):
I made a cute little box for the presents to go into:
Then I set up a table with different animal masks for each child to take:
And here is the party table:
Cute? I thought so :)
And of course I took pictures of all the food:
And here's the cake I made:
I think it looked quite cute but I defiantly want to better my cake making skills. They just not perfect yet!!! (oops is that my ocdness coming out again???)

For the party favours I made snake shaped brownie cookies and my friend got little animal finger puppets. We then found this cute boat shaped paper "bowls" and used those to put the party favours in.
(Just a funny side story: When my friend and I went to buy the paper bowls the lady who helped us asked us what we were planning on doing with them because they were a new product and we were the first people to buy them)

Here take a look at how they were used:

Hope you enjoyed taking a look at my latest party!!!!
Thank you 'N' for letting me be apart of the boys special day. Happy Birthday to my "nephews".

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